standing up for journalists under attack for pursuing the truth


from the Coalition

Bangladeshi Cartoonist Kabir Kishore Tops April Ranking Of One Free Press Coalition’s “10 Most Urgent” Press Freedom Cases

The April “10 Most Urgent” List Spotlights Online Posts and Social Media as a Catalyst for Retaliation Against Journalists

NEW YORK – April 1, 2021 – Bangladeshi cartoonist Kabir Kishore, who was allegedly subjected to physical abuse behind bars and now faces serious health issues and charges under Bangladesh’s Digital Security Act, tops the April ranking of the One Free Press Coalition’s “10 Most Urgent” list of press freedom cases. (Authorities have denied the alleged abuse.) The “10 Most Urgent” list, issued by a united group of pre-eminent editors and publishers, spotlights journalists whose press freedoms are being suppressed or whose cases are seeking justice.

The April list focuses on cases of journalists who have faced retaliation in relation to posts online and on social media. In many countries around the world, particularly those with repressive media environments, social media provides one of the few avenues for journalists to publish critical reporting. Of the 274 journalists behind bars in 2020, 79% report and publish on the internet, and 58% are considered internet reporters. Recently the Coalition Against Online Violence launched the Online Violence Response Hub with resources for journalists targeted by online abuse. In addition, CPJ provides guidance for journalists on digital safety.

Published today at and by all Coalition members, the 26th “10 Most Urgent” list includes the following journalists, ranked in order of urgency: 

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1. Kabir Kishore (Bangladesh)

Cartoonist allegedly subjected to severe physical abuse while held behind bars. Now released on bail, he faces serious health issues and charges under Bangladesh’s Digital Security Act. 

2. Lu Yuyu (China)

Chinese journalist faces continued harassment since his release from prison: police invading his home, forcing him to relocate and demanding he shut down his Twitter account. 

3. Hopewell Chin’ono (Zimbabwe)

Journalist has faced repeated arrests and harassment from authorities in the past year for his reporting, and potentially faces years behind bars on charges of “publishing or communicating false statements prejudicial to the State” for a tweet about alleged police abuse. 

4. Elena Solovyova (Russia)

Russian freelance reporter doxxed by anonymous Telegram channel in attempt to harass her for her work.

5. Otabek Sattoriy (Uzbekistan)

Uzbek blogger covering corruption detained and charged with extortion, and has had his Telegram channel taken down. 

6. Mohammad Mosaed (Iran)

Online reporter forced to flee Iran and seek exile as he faces over four years in prison on charges related to social media posts critical of the government. 

7. Ricardo Noblat (Brazil)

Brazilian authorities have repeatedly threatened criminal investigations against political news journalist in recent years for re-sharing social media posts critical of the government and of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro.

8. Arzu Geybulla (Turkey/Azerbaijan)

Azerbaijani journalist living in Turkey was targeted in a virulent online harassment campaign, forcing her to temporarily go offline, following the publication of a piece accusing her of disrespecting victims of the Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict.  

9. Basma Mostafa (Egypt)

Egyptian journalist detained and held in 2020 on charges of spreading false news, misusing social media and joining a terrorist organization. Currently free, she still faces charges and has experienced continual judicial harassment. 

10. Rana Ayyub (India)

Indian journalist has faced years of harassment in relation to her ongoing reporting and commentary on taboo subjects, with recent abuse amplified by the ongoing farmer’s protests in India.

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The One Free Press Coalition is comprised of 34 prominent international members including: Agencia Efe; Al Jazeera Media NetworkAméricaEconomía; The Associated Press; Bloomberg News; The Boston Globe; Corriere Della Sera; De Standaard; Deutsche Welle; Estadão; EURACTIV; The Financial Times; Forbes; Fortune; HuffPost; India Today; Insider Inc.; Le Temps; Middle East Broadcasting Networks; NHK; Office of Cuba Broadcasting; Quartz; Radio Free Asia; Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty; Republik; Reuters; The Straits Times; Süddeutsche Zeitung; TIME; TV Azteca; Voice of America; The Washington Post; WIRED; and Yahoo News.

One Free Press Coalition partners with the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) and the International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF) to identify the most-urgent cases for the list, which is updated and published on the first business day of every month.

The mission of the Coalition is to use the collective voices of its members – which reach more than 1 billion people worldwide – to “stand up for journalists under attack for pursuing the truth.” News organizations throughout the world can join the Coalition by emailing Members of the public are also encouraged to join the conversation using the hashtag #OneFreePress and following developments on Twitter @OneFreePress.

One Free Press Coalition

The One Free Press Coalition every month spotlights the “10 Most Urgent” journalists who press freedoms are under threat worldwide. The Coalition uses the collective voices of participating news organizations to spotlight brave journalists whose voices are being silenced or have been silenced by “standing up for journalists under attack for pursing the truth.” To see the “10 Most Urgent” list every month and to view a complete list of participating news organizations and supporting partners, please visit or @OneFreePress on Twitter.


One Free Press Coalition PR:
Committee to Protect Journalists: Bebe Santa-Wood,

Katherine Love