standing up for journalists under attack for pursuing the truth


from the Coalition

Detained Journalist Raman Pratasevich Tops June Ranking Of One Free Press Coalition’s “10 Most Urgent” Press Freedom Cases

The June “10 Most Urgent” List Spotlights Exiled Journalists, Those Forced to Flee and Threats Faced by Journalists Reporting At Borders

NEW YORK – June 1, 2020 – Belarusian reporter Raman Pratasevich, who was arrested last month following the diversion of a commercial passenger flight to Minsk by Belarusian authorities, tops the June ranking of the One Free Press Coalition’s “10 Most Urgent” list of press freedom cases. The “10 Most Urgent” list, issued today by a united group of pre-eminent editors and publishers, spotlights journalists whose press freedoms are being suppressed or whose cases are seeking justice.

The June list focuses on journalists forced to flee their homes or go into exile, as well as threats faced by journalists reporting at borders. The type of threats that force journalists to leave their homes can vary, ranging from sustained harassment, to physical and legal threats, or threats of imprisonment, all impeding their ability to live and work without fear. Journalists from all regions seek safety elsewhere when press crackdowns intensify, with recent examples in Myanmar and Ethiopia.

Local journalists, unlike international journalists who may be able to move more freely, when faced with threats often have no other option than to leave behind their homes, and even their families. As CPJ found in a 2015 report, only about 17 percent of journalists who fled their countries were able to continue working during their time in exile. Among the “10 Most Urgent” cases highlighted in this month’s list is Pratasevich, 26, who moved to Poland fearing for his life in late 2019, and who was detained in Minsk on May 23 and may have been beaten, based on Pratasevich’s appearance in a video released by authorities. 

Published this morning at and by all Coalition members, the 28th 10 Most Urgent list includes the following journalists, ranked in order of urgency:

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1. Raman Pratasevich (Belarus)

Belarusian authorities diverted a commercial flight to Minsk in order to arrest exiled journalist Raman Pratasevich, founder and editor of Telegram channels that covered anti-Lukashenko protests. Belarusian authorities launched investigations against him in relation to his journalism.

2. Benjamín Morales (Mexico)

Local journalist working in a Northern Mexican border town in Sonora was found dead with multiple gunshot wounds, as violence surges in the state.  

3. Ayham al-Gareeb, Mohammad Shubat, Mousa al-Jamaat, and Okba Mohammad (Syria)

Facing dire threats in Syria in connection to their reporting, local journalists find safety in Spain and launch Madrid’s first refugee-led, Spanish-Arabic news site, Baynana.

4. Pouyan Khoshhal (Iran)

Journalist imprisoned, fired and forced into exile for a single story continues to report on news and politics in Iran for IranWire and still faces a sentence if he returns to Iran.  

5. Natalia Zubkova (Russia)

After facing an attack and death threats, journalist and her family were pushed into hiding—and forced to flee Russia—following her reporting on local protests as well as an alleged real estate scheme targeting disabled people.

6. Amade Abubacar (Mozambique)

Radio journalist covering families fleeing militant attacks in Cabo Delgado province, where an ongoing conflict has displaced hundreds of thousands, was arrested and detained for 108 days in several prisons in 2019. Though released, Abubacar still faces charges.  

7. Carlos Ketohou (Togo)

Director of Togolese outlet L’Indépendant Express forced to leave his home after security forces detained him, and his family received anonymous threats. Authorities have barred the outlet from publishing, and legal challenges are ongoing.

8. Can Dündar (Turkey)

Journalist and former chief editor of the Turkish opposition newspaper Cumhuriyet founded independent radio station Özgürüz while living in exile in Germany. He appeals a 27.5-year prison sentence on anti-state charges from Turkish authorities.  

9. Gerall Chávez (Nicaragua)

One of the dozens of Nicaraguan journalists forced into exile since 2018, Chávez has continued to face threats even while living in Costa Rica, including ones directed toward his family, which remains in Nicaragua. 

10. Humayra Bakhtiyar (Tajikistan)

Journalist and human rights activist covering politics and corruption was forced into exile in the EU in 2016, but remains outspoken even as she faces continued online harassment and threats from Tajik authorities directed at her family.

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The One Free Press Coalition is comprised of 32 prominent international members including: Agencia Efe; Al Jazeera Media NetworkAméricaEconomía; The Associated Press; Bloomberg News; The Boston Globe; Corriere Della Sera; De Standaard; Deutsche Welle; Estadão; EURACTIV; The Financial Times; Forbes; Fortune; HuffPost; India Today; Insider Inc.; Le Temps; Middle East Broadcasting Networks; Office of Cuba Broadcasting; Quartz; Radio Free Asia; Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty; Republik; Reuters; The Straits Times; Süddeutsche Zeitung; TIME; TV Azteca; Voice of America; The Washington Post; and Yahoo News.

One Free Press Coalition partners with the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) and the International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF) to identify the most-urgent cases for the list, which is updated and published on the first business day of every month.

The mission of the Coalition is to use the collective voices of its members – which reach more than 1 billion people worldwide – to “stand up for journalists under attack for pursuing the truth.” News organizations throughout the world can join the Coalition by emailing Members of the public are also encouraged to join the conversation using the hashtag #OneFreePress and following developments on Twitter @OneFreePress.

One Free Press Coalition

The One Free Press Coalition every month spotlights the “10 Most Urgent” journalists who press freedoms are under threat worldwide. The Coalition uses the collective voices of participating news organizations to spotlight brave journalists whose voices are being silenced or have been silenced by “standing up for journalists under attack for pursing the truth.” To see the “10 Most Urgent” list every month and to view a complete list of participating news organizations and supporting partners, please visit or @OneFreePress on Twitter.


One Free Press Coalition PR:
Committee to Protect Journalists: Bebe Santa-Wood,

Katherine Love